I couldn’t wait. We were going on a field trip to Multnomah Falls. We went into groups and we had a helper. It was Lilly’s Dad. He was six or seven feet tall. He had short brown hair and was wearing a green plaid shirt and a brown coat. We were at the front gate entrance when we met him. Then my group and I walked into the front gate entrance. My group was all girls. We were just walking around and talking. We walked around and saw the beautiful scenery. The scenery was rocks, the great hill, and two dragonflies.
Mrs. Handy got our attention and told us to follow George. George was a worker at the falls. George told us the history of Multnomah Falls. He told us the rules. One of the rules was not to hang over the edge of the bridge. He finished up the story.
Then we started walking up the stairs. They were hard concrete. Then, when we got up the stairs, we saw the crystal water falling off the top of the hill. It was fall then and the trees were bare and brown. Some of the leaves on the ground were orange and red. I could see people walking up the top of the path, going up to the peak where you see the water falling down. I could just imagine going up to that balcony and seeing the birds by the waterfall, the hawks in the sky, the squirrels in the trees and the chipmunks gathering nuts.
While I was walking I remembered. It reminded me of when I went up there with my mom, dad, Nana, Papa and brother. We saw the little tiny rivers and the little tiny bridges and big huge fish. We walked up the path. It looked like a road, because it was all black pavement with a white line. We met up with my Aunt Shirley and then we went on walking three miles. We saw a bench and so my Grandma got out lunch. Mine was a cheese sandwich with turkey and some mayonaisse. That is my favorite type of sandwich.
We went on walking about a quarter up and my grandma threw out a walnut for a chipmunk. Then another little chipmunk appeared and they started fighting over the walnut. And then my Grandma had to give up her last walnut.
Suddenly, one of my group members said “Look at it!” Then I jogged back to looking at the falls. It was the biggest waterfall I’ve ever seen.
Then another one of my group members shouted out, “Look at that. That big, huge log is gonna tumble down the falls!” I looked up and there was a big, huge log falling down the falls. It started tossing and turning around the falls and then it crashed and split in half.
When my group and I went back on the bus, I ate my favorite sandwich again- cheese, turkey and mayonnaise. While we were driving off, we saw a flock of Canadian geese. They were flying in a V-shape. They had black heads, black beaks and white necklaces around their necks. Their bellies were white. Then, five minutes later, my friend Emma spotted a blue heron. It was standing sideways in a tree, on one leg. It had a very long nose, thin, spiky feathers on his forehead, and brown wings. I finally saw a blue heron! I was happy that Emma wasn’t absent, because if she had been absent, we probably wouldn’t have seen that blue heron. I felt tired. Barely anybody falls asleep, but I fell asleep.
by Brittany Pace