by Brittany Pace
The main thing I want to talk about is the drive there and when we saw the horse for the first time and walking around and getting him out of the car.
It was a long drive to the farm, where we were going to pick up our own horse. His name was Harley. In a picture we saw, he was three feet tall and had a star on his head. On the way there, we saw horses, barns and some geese.
When we arrived, they already had miniature horses. Three of them were running around with their tails up. When we got to the owner’s house, she was brushing Harley. He was wearing a purple halter. When we got out of the car, the owner said, Harley was rolling in the mud. When we walked up to him and patted him on his back, he didn’t pay any attention to us. We watched him for a minute or two and then we started walking him around. My dad got the papers from the owner of the horse. Then she gave my dad her card.
Then we tried to load Harley into the back of the car. He would not budge. He kneeled back. And then we tried lifting him up. He was kicking and neighing. We finally got him into the car. We tied his lead rope onto a hook in our car. Then we thanked the owner for giving us the horse and then we drove off.
The funniest thing on the drive was when we passed the rest of the horses, and then he started neighing.
When we got home, we got out of the car and opened the back of the truck. He tried to get out! We untied his lead rope and he jumped out. He pulled me to the grass and started eating. Then he saw our goat. Harley charged Billy. Billy ran for his life. Billy is four feet tall and taller than Harley, but Harley kept on chasing him. Billy was acting like a coward.
After Harley stopped running, we took him to go see the cats. The cats puffed up their tails and put their backs clear up in the air. However, Stripers just walked past Harley. Harley tried to step on him.
Then my mom went to the store to go get some brushes for Harley. After she came back, she had a purple soft comb brush and a pick for his feet and a currycomb. At first he didn’t like the currycomb, so we tried the soft brush. He like the soft brush better than the currycomb.
My dad went to the store after Mom came home and got posts and fencing and some hammers and nails. The next day he started building the fence.

I was rolling in the dirt one day, minding my own business, when the owner came in. She grabbed my purple halter and my black lead rope and put them on me. I did not like that. She took me out of my pasture and took me by the trailer where she had brushes, halters, picks, baskets, and hay.
She started brushing me. She brushed me for about twenty minutes, then a big, blue car pulled up. Two kids and two parents came out of the car.
“Oh no! More kids!”
They came running towards me and started patting me on the back. I knew if I didn’t pay any attention to them, they would probably go away.
They didn’t go away.
Then they grabbed my lead rope and pulled me around the car. I pulled, tugged, kneeled with all my might to make them stop.
Then they stopped and took me to the grass, for about ten minutes. Then the littler one came and pulled me.
The medium one said, “Stop it!”
Then my owner came out with some pieces of paper. The large one took the papers, put them in the big metal container and then, grabbed my lead rope. The large one tugged and tugged and tugged on me.
And then they lifted me up. I kicked and screamed as loud as I could. When they dropped me into the big metal container, they tied my lead rope onto a hook. My eyes grew. I looked all around. The smaller one and the other one jumped in the car and stared at me. Then the other two jumped in the car and turned on the engine. We started moving.
I saw my friends out the window. I called to them, “Help I’m being taken away!”
Then I got tired of the trip, so I fell asleep.
Next thing I knew, I was in this weird place with lots of trees, lots of grass and lots of good smells. Then they all jumped out of the car, opened the back, untied my lead rope, and pulled me out. I jumped out and ran for my life.
They weren’t holding onto the lead rope at the time. I ran towards the smell of female horses, but the next thing I knew, I was almost flipped over on my back by the large one. They tied me up to a tree and I ate grass for the rest of the day.