Thursday, October 8, 2009

October 7

Dear Families,

All teachers at Corbett School have received new phone extensions! My new classroom number is 503 695 3656. My email remains the same

We have a field trip next Wednesday, October 14 to Wahkeena Creek. The chaperones will be Mrs. Bucher, Mrs. Foertsch and Mrs. Henderson. Please send your children with a waterproof coat and in rain boots if possible. Chaperones will also want to be dressed for a hike in and around a wet creek. The following children still need to return their permission slips: Kayli, Taylor, Dylan Jadyn, Eduardo, Karlie, Isabella, and Evan.

Wondering about the blog? I will need photo release slips from Hallie, Kayli, August, Mya, Eduardo, Karlie, Isabella, Evan, Nathaniel, Shaylene and Elizabeth before I can post pics of our class on our blog. Please sign the attached photo release and send it with your student.

The Bonneville Dam/ Salmon field trip will be postponed until November.

Conferences are fast upon us! The schedule is on the reverse of this sheet. If you haven’t signed up yet, please write or call me and we’ll set a date.

This week, we enjoyed Junie B. Jones, a funny five year old fictional character, during read aloud. In math, we continued practicing telling time through bingo and whole group activities. We introduced squares and square roots and explored the relationships between addition and multiplication through the story, rhyme and written practice. We presented the best of our salmon life cycle research in a great big celebration with our K-5 study teams. We wrote our first entries for our Weekly outdoor watch (WOW) journals.

I look forward to chatting with you all at conferences!


Alyssa Reed

1 comment:

Miss Reed said...

Okay, This is the letter sent home Thurs, Oct. 8. I cannot figuer out how to edit it! Obviously the conferences are not "on the back" and the permission slip is not "attached". If you need an extra permission slip, talk to me!